Patterns and Location of Velopharyngeal Valving Problems: Atypical Findings on Video Nasopharyngoscopy

  • Mary Anne Witzel
  • Jeffrey C. Posnick
Keywords: velopharyngeal valving patterns, velopharyngeal gaps, video nasopharyngoscopy, atypical findings


Patterns of velopharyngeal (VP) valving and the location of velopharyngeal gaps were investigated in 246 consecutive nasopharyngoscopy studies. The predominant pattern of closure was coronal (68 percent), followed by the circular (23 percent), circular with a Passavant's ridge (5 percent), and sagittal (4 percent) patterns. Gaps were found in 181 patients; in 121 they were considered typical (centrally located), in 28 they were in one of the lateral aspects of the valve, and in 32 they were attributed to the shape of the adenoid tissue or to abnormalities in the anatomy or function of the posterior border of the soft palate. Atypical findings occurred primarily in patients with a coronal pattern of valving. These findings raise further questions about treatment for patients with atypical valving problems.