The Effect of Intravelar Veloplasty on Velopharyngeal Competence Following Pharyngeal Flap Surgery

  • Bennie L. Jarvis
  • William C. Trier
Keywords: velopharyngeal incompetence, pharyngeal flap, pharyngoplasty, intravelar veloplasty


Clinical experience from primary palatoplasty and studies of velo-pharyngeal valving suggest that intravelar veloplasty (IVVP) could increase the achievement of velopharyngeal competence in patients undergoing pharyngeal flap surgery. In order to test this hypothesis, a group of 91 patients undergoing superiorly based, high-attached, lined pharyngeal flaps along with intravelar veloplasty were compared retrospectively with 39 patients who underwent the same procedure without intravelar veloplasty. Comparison of speech evaluation and pressure flow data demonstrated no difference in attainment of velopha-ryngeal competence between the two groups. Though theoretically sound, intravelar veloplasty did not appear to improve the results of pharyngeal flap surgery. The high incidence of postoperative hypona-sality in both the study and control groups suggests a possible need for increased lateral port size in performing the procedure.