Maxillary Growth Following Total Septal Resection in Correction of Orbital Hypertelorsim

  • E. Lejoyeux
  • Jean F. Tulasne
  • Paul L. Tessier


A rapid survey of eight cases with orbital hypertelorism did not reveal any evident change in maxillary displacement during facial growth following resection of nasal septum and medial displacement of orbital cavities. Accurate analysis of four cases according to the Ricketts long-term growth forecast showed a reduction of growth in the region of anterior nasal spine and only in the posteroanterior direction. This is not necessarily due to the absence of nasal septum. These patients have such severe deformities and the surgical procedure is so extensive that-many factors can be responsible for deficient premaxillary growth. Further studies are needed, particularly in patients who, since 1975, have had the same operative method, but without septal resection, to know whether this more conservative procedure has changed the posteroan-terior growth of the premaxilla. However, a nasal bone graft has a good prognosis, even when performed in children.