An Extreme Morphologic Variation of the Auditory Tube Cartilage: A Case Report

  • Stewart R. Rood
  • William J. Doyle
Keywords: Temporal bone, auditory tube, middle ear disease, Eustachian tube


The temporal bone, cartilaginous auditory tube, and associated musculature were removed en bloc at autopsy from a 21/2—m0nth-old boy and processed histologically. The cartilaginous supporting structure of the auditory tube differed significantly in appear— ance and morphology from the auditory tubes of individuals with more standard morphology. The hypoplastic, enlongated, medial cartilaginous lamina seen in this specimen may be anatomic evidence of the hypothesized hypercompliant auditory tube (" floppy tube ") thought to be at least one factor operative in the development of middle ear disease in children.