Wilfried Schilli
Hans Hartmann
Franz Harle
Roland Kiefer
An accurate family history and course of pregnancy were obtained from the parents of 315 cases with clefts of the lip and palate. A total of 170 points Were assembled and transferred to punchcards according to the binary principle. From the results, the frequency percentage was calculated and, where possible, compared to the statistical data from the general state population with the chi-square test (6, 27, 28). The clinical findings corresponded to the relations obtained from the literature so that the group (random sample) can be accepted as typical (2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12). Out of the total sample, 64 children of school age were examined according to the following psychological methods (5, 15, 16') : German form of the WISC (HAVVIK) ; and German form of the Vineland Maturity Scale. In addition, obtained were a sociogram of the child's school class; a questionnaire regarding social status of the child, physical, mental and social development (answered by the mother) ; a questionnaire regarding social relations of the child (answered by the child); and a questionnaire regarding school efficiency and social relations of the child (answered by the teacher). Results GENERAL FINDINGS. The age peak of the mother was between 20 and 25 years (35.3%) ; in only 2.7% was the mother under 20 or over 40 years of age. The total age distribution corresponds to the normal distribu— tion (statistically significant). Ten per cent of the mothers were uneducated workers, 11.8% had a special education, and 78.2% were house— wives. Of the women, 74.5% claimed to have worked strenuously even during the pregnancy (13). Of the fathers, 42.8% were either self-employed or handworkers; the The authors are affiliated with the Dental and Maxillofacial Clinic and the Institute for Psychology of the University of Freiburg.