The present study is a continuation of a previously reported investiga— tion (5) in which the severity of misarticulations of children with cleft palate was studied by the use of multiple correlation technique. In that study, it was concluded that severity of articulation defectiveness can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy by any of several single meas— ures or by a combination of measures. In general, however, severity of articulation defectiveness appeared to be related primarily to two measures , one representing the adequacy of velopharyngeal closure and one representing maturation. Of the two, velopharyngeal closure appeared to be the predominant factor accounting for variation in judged articula-tion defectiveness.. Multiple correlation technique is generally used as a statistical procedure for selecting those measures (called independent variables) which are most influential in predicting a general measure (the dependent vari— able). A general measure is composed of composite attributes; that is, articulation defectiveness may be influenced by various types of errors, manner of production categories, etc. Factor analysis, on the other hand, enables one to study those factors, general and/or specific, which make up the general measures. A measure may contribute to one or more factors. Factors are also loaded or weighted by different tests in varying degrees. Thus, by factor analysis techniques, one is able to examine the contribution of factors to the general measure and the influenCe of specific measures or tests in the make-up of a factor. It is of research and clinical interest to determine whether the two previously reported factors (velopharyngeal closure and maturation) are evident when children with cleft palates are classified by manometer ratios. If such patterns or factors are demonstrated to contribute to articulation defectiveness, one must consider their relative contributions in various subclassifications of individuals with cleft palates.